Sydney (SharePoint)

Impact : People Contact web part selections removed

Please complete your April 4th To Do List before following directives for known issues. If you experience problems with your desktop apps remember to use web applications on

The Rebrand changes will not impact our domain credentials. Our URL will still read :

What we are changing is the user login name from to

What to expect on Sydney?

Where logos were CDC this will change to BII. Sydney will still remain Sydney but with the new logo across banners and templates.

Please note , any reference to CDC in content will need to be updated manually by the page contact/owner. If you need further assistance please contact Helpdesk.

Page Contact Web part

The page contact/ Team members web part will auto remove profiles with Anywhere the Page Contact/Team Members part is used will read 'There is no employees in the department'.

To update this part you will need to be a Page contact or have admin permission to the page.

Update Page Contact web part

1. To update Page Contact, access the page in edit mode via the settings cog wheel (top right) and select 'Edit Page'. Once you're now in edit mode select 'EDIT' on the web part.

2. You will see the details of the previous contacts listed with Cdcgroup accounts still selected (although disabled), please highlight 'Select People manually' and search for the user you want to add.

3. Both Bii and Cdc accounts will exist side by side for some time. This will be the experience for a while as we transition through the rebrand phases.

Add the new BII account and remove the old CDC account.

4. The page contact with the new BII account will now surface.

Don't forget to 'Save' , 'Check in' and 'Publish' for changes to apply.

If you experience further issues, please log a ticket with the Helpdesk.