BII Rename Guidance and Support Hub
Service Desk: +44 1480 425 687 for non-urgent issues:

This is an external page to help BII staff use their IT applications, systems and services after the rename (1 April)

What's happening?

Your network (login) ID will change from: to

Immediate Issues?

If you are having issues with your mobile devices: BEFORE calling the Service Desk, click on the mobile device instructions below and go through all steps.

If you see messages within MS Office applications stating Product Deactivated, please follow the steps outlines here.

What do I need to do?

From Monday 4 April 8:00am local time- please set aside 30 minutes to set up your laptop and another 30 minutes for your mobile devices.

For other applications or application issues, scroll down to the 'Application Hub' at the the bottom of this page for more information.

Need access urgently?

If you are having access issues, try using the appropriate web app. Simply sign in to using your BII credentials. Then click the waffle (top left corner) and click on the app you need (e.g. Outlook/OneDrive).

In order to prevent unnecessary calls to the Service Desk:

  • Ensure that you have followed the laptop and mobile device instructions outlined in the links above.

  • Check our FAQs document.

  • Check the Application Status Dashboard below to see if there are any known issues.

  • Go to the Application Hub at the bottom of this page to find more information about specific applications.

  • If you find minor issues, please log these via email to or you can also wait a few days to see whether the issue may be resolved by allowing extra time for background syncing to be fully completed.

  • If you experience problems with your desktop apps you will be able to access web applications via (Click the waffle, top left corner for apps).

For technical assistance call the Service Desk on +44 1480 425 687
For non-urgent matters,

Application Status Dashboard

Application Hub

Office Login

Microsoft Authenticator



Microsoft Teams

SYDNEY SharePoint

OneNote Notebooks

Office Apps

Power Platform

Mobile Devices

Reed & Mackay



